(+971) 26440007
Audio Visual Solutions

BGM Solutions

Oxford Integration offer a wide variety of business music solutions designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes and budget ranges. Our goal is to find the exact solution for your business that will entertain your customers and create a unique experience.

Oxford Integration provide solutions with invisible speakers which can install into the wall or ceiling and then finished over with the surrounding surface, Invisible Series speakers deliver ambient music that emanates throughout the space with no visual footprint.

A well designed background music system in a pub, bar or restaurant can encourage your customers to stay longer and consequently spend more money. A multi-zone amplifier or Digital Sound Processor enables different areas to be set up so that music levels can be adjusted accordingly.

The music system can also be linked to any LED screens located around the bar for special events, important football matches or news events. Input wall plate for connecting DJ or music source can be provided as per client requirement in various locations. Touch / Button panels will provide for controlling the BGM system